Connected 3.0

By khyizang, 30 December, 2017

Thank goodness for DVRs

This Christmas we were treated to the second Disney TV broadcast featuring the brand new Connect 3.0 tech that brings Made with Magic support into the home.  We actually missed the broadcast but were able to record it with a DVR and play it back once we got back home.  

By khyizang, 1 December, 2017

A new chapter begins

I've been kicking the tires on the new Ear Hats for the last couple of days.  Lots of new stuff to talk about.  I'll leave some of it for the eventual teardown but I want to rattle off some of my observations while they're still fresh in memory.  And we just had the first Disney broadcast that includes Made with Magic support for these new hats.  I've got some observations on that, too.